Seth (00:09): In the last five years, after having our second child, it's definitely been busy. Beth (00:13): There is just a lot every day that you have to manage and plan for. Seth (00:17): [Geo 00:00:17], our eight year old, I never thought you could look up to a small child and be like amazed, but he's definitely an amazing kid. And, well, Hank, he loves to laugh. So we have a lot of fun with him. He's a jokester, and his memory is like tack sharp. So the benefits of the 529 Plan, first off are of course the tax implications. And so by saving for my child's college, I can in turn, save money. I love that. By getting on the 529 Plan so early and keeping the investment constant month to month, our budget has become much easier. Seth (00:49): The process, obviously, is super simple. It's all done online. It's automatically withdrawn from our bank every month. Beth (00:55): It can be whatever it is that you want it to be. It doesn't have to be expensive. And complicated, it's not. It's just made for normal everyday people to start saving for their kids. Seth (01:05): When our eight year old gets money from grandpa or Santa, we literally have Ziploc bags for spending and college saving. We've gotten into their mindset the idea of investing in their future, and it's great to see. Beth (01:18): I really want to help my kids as much as I can. So they're not so financially strapped after even a four year college. Seth (01:27): Another benefit of the Plan is that relatives can get involved and help in the savings, to contribute, and take advantage of the tax benefits as well. We would have birthday parties and instead of getting presents, we would ask for simple gifts toward the college plan. Beth (01:39): And we said that amount of money that you gave us will grow in 10 years, is really going to help them out. I would love to show my kids how much I love them by working hard and helping them as much as I can right now, just like my parents did for me. Seth (01:56): I think what Beth and I hope for, for our children is to just have a better life than we had. Beth (02:00): Seeing the 529 work for our family, I feel very proud of Seth and myself for establishing this and getting this started and knowing that our kids will have this someday.